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international conduct中文是什么意思

用"international conduct"造句"international conduct"怎么读"international conduct" in a sentence


  • 国际行为, 国际行动


  • With the development of globalization , it is important for our country keep pace with international conduct
  • Zogby international conducted telephone interviews with 450 americans whose yearly incomes exceed 0 , 000 or whose net worth exceeds million
  • Winner of the first prize as well as lyre d or in the 35 th concours international des jeunes chefs d orchestre de besancon , france and a prizewinner in the 8 th tokyo international conducting competition in 1988 , yip is in great demand as a guest conductor in asia
  • The poll by zogby international was commissioned by futron corp . , a maryland aerospace consulting group which has a . 8 million contract with nasa to explore the commercial applications of space travel , including what space tourism could look like in the next 20 years . zogby international conducted telephone interviews with 450 americans whose yearly incomes exceed 0 , 000 or whose net worth exceeds million
    这次的民意调查是由一家马里兰航空咨询公司furton corp .委托佐格比国际公司进行的, furton公司与美国国家航空和宇宙航行局签定了价值180万美元的合同,该公司将在未来的20年中和航空和宇宙航行局合作开发太空旅行的申请的有关事宜。
用"international conduct"造句  
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